Wednesday, August 29, 2012

week 36

Best Moment: Tuesday! Evan was offered a great job at Amazon!! WOOHOOO!! Such amazing news for Evan and our family. I'm so proud of him, as he's worked so hard to get into Amazon and finally, his talents speak for themselves. It's about time they see what an asset he will be. It's insane timing but we're thrilled and feel an enormous sense of relief. So, so very proud of my wonderful, talented, darling husband. Oh and we also just so happened to celebrate our THIRD anniversary that night as well. Perfection.
Aside from Tuesday, Friday is a nice second. It started with our ultrasound which was...interesting. Because the quarters are so cramped, we couldn't make out much of baby, just a nice round head and clear spine. Both good things. Otherwise, we didn't see much else. The tech made us turn our heads a few times so we couldn't get a sneak peak at baby's "parts" but Evan was sure tempted! We've got 4 weeks left man, just hold tight. Aside from getting one last glimpse of baby before his/her big debut, we also learned that our little bee isn't so little. In fact, we're talking 96th percentile here. Apparently this means nothing more than baby is healthy and...big. Of course, mother guilt kicked in immediately and I automatically assumed that it was my "fault." Was it the milkshakes? The fact that I haven't been consistently walking the past few weeks? Shit! But alas, none of the above turned out to have anything to do with baby's size. In fact, at this stage in the game, the measurement is based solely on length and bone/muscle weight. Okay, whew!  So we have a big, healthy baby. Love it. It also doesn't mean that baby is going to come early, which I am fine with. Mama needs just a tad bit more time to get "there" emotionally.
We were also able to check a couple Ballard spots off our must-do list. Hot Cakes= best milkshake ever. Kickin' Boot= wonderful deck with apps and bevies and fabulous husband.
Cravings/Aversions: I'm bringing this one back because I've noticed a few cravings popping up. Aside from sweets, anything citrus is taking over my brain. YUM. Main aversions are anything that will cause more heartburn, which ironically includes citrus...Ah sweet irony. And sweet Zantac.
Symptoms: This could be laundry list time as at this stage in the game, I just might have all the 36 weeks pregnant symptoms. But that's to be expected, right? Good news, I'm just chuggin' and waddling my way through the next few weeks.
What I miss: The ability to anticipate what lies ahead. As we grow closer to baby's bday, I'm growing more and more anxious and, well, scared. The unknown is anxiety-inducing and for someone like me, who's anxiety meter is always a little higher than most, it's an interesting time. There is so much we don't know about what to expect when bringing baby home and how much our lives will change, that I can't help but feel nervous about it. And it doesn't help that people only feel the need to share the challenges of having a newborn. Sorry, did I give the impression that I thought it would be a walk in the clouds? Yes, we understand we won't sleep, we get that it's going to be hard, we hear that we can't prepare for it. Got it, noted. Now remind me of the GOOD!
What I'm looking forward to: is it a boy or a girl? In just a few short weeks, we'll know!!
Milestones: Your baby has added another one-half pound and now weighs nearly 6 pounds, measures almost 19 inches in length (or more if you're lil Sodi), and is almost ready to check out of "Hotel Mom." Your baby has moved downward into your pelvic cavity; hopefully headfirst (confirmed0.

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