Tuesday, August 21, 2012

week 35

for the record, i don't really look like this (my face at least)
Best Moment: Progress has been made! Saturday night we put the crib together and got the dresser in baby's room. Hallelujah almighty. Auntie Sneaks also got to join in the fun and helped us build the little crib masterpiece! It was only fitting that she got to experience the "monumental" moment in our lives or right of passage, whatever you would call building your first child's crib. The room is coming along so well now and it's really starting to feel like we have a place for the little bee. Evan and I even did a trip to Target to stock up diapers and some wipes, just to be sure we are set for the first few days. I believe this is officially the nesting period! While I'm not ready for baby to move on out, I do find myself feeling more and more prepared. whew.
Symptoms: I hesitate describing my symptoms sometimes because I don't want it to sound like I'm complaining, but a symptom is a symptom right? Doesn't mean I have to hate it but it's certainly no lovefest either. My back is feeling the effects as of late. Of course, to be expected, but dang Gina, can't a girl just sit for a little while without getting all uncomfortable and antsy? And really, the same goes for standing. I guess I need to just keep doing my cat/cows (yoga poses for those not hip to the yoga lingo) and hang on for another few weeks.
What I miss: Standing and sitting like a normal person. Ooh and getting out of bed. It's officially roll time and one of my least favorite things (along with having to bend down and pick something up). It's not that it's painful or anything, but just super awkward and inconvenient. Gone are the days of me springing out of bed - ha, like that ever really happened. But if they did, those days are gone and now I do a nice slow roll to a standing position.

What I'm looking forward to: What am I not looking forward to? We have 4 weeks (technically) until little Sodi joins the party and there is so much to look forward to. Friday we have an ultrasound to be sure that the babe is still head down, moving towards the light- although I can confirm that without an ultrasound. The hiccups on my pelvic bone are a clear indicator of baby's position, but hell, we'll take one last glimpse of little bee in utero before h/h big debut! I'm anxious to see how little space the poor thing has. Lord knows we're both feeling the cramped quarters, but it will be such a different scene from our last ultrasound when h/s had a nice little apartment to move about in.
Milestones: Baby's now the size of a coconut! From now on, baby's growth is mostly in the plumping up department- though he won't get much longer, he'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth. His hearing is totally developed!

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