Tuesday, October 30, 2012

sweet slumber

Yesterday? was like the best day ever. Why? because it was "operation sleep while she sleeps." Eew, I kind of hate that I called it "operation." So everyone says to sleep while the baby sleeps. Which I always thought to be a fabulous idea in theory, but a total joke once attempted. Joke is on me. I got more sleep yesterday than I have during the last 7 weeks and it was glorious. Now let's not get this confused, it wasn't anything near pre-Sydney sleep, but that? Is a thing of the past, something I can't allow myself to think of because, well, it's just too painful to remember those sleep filled days. Those celeb followers out there: have you ever noticed that they are always talking about hanging out in their bed? They hang out with friends, eat, watch TV, etc in bed. This always seemed completely ridiculous to me, because no doubt they have a giant house with amazing furniture and plenty of rooms to entertain in, so why would the bed become the hub? Regardless, I thought I'd give it a shot. After  all, if it works for Chelsea Handler and Kourtney Kardashian, it surely must work for me. But seriously, I literally camped out in our bed all day and only got up to feed the lady, feed myself or move around a bit to prevent bed sores. It was pretty wonderful. Highly recommend, even if you're sans child. 

Highlights of late include:
  • Pumpkin Pie milkshakes at Red Mill. O.M.G. do it now. Seriously, you will thank me later.
  • Smiles from my darling dear. True "I see mama and love her" smiles! The other morning I was changing her mid slumber and she opened her eyes, saw me and immediately began smiling and cooing. melt. 
  • All baby Halloween party. See pics below. Ridiculous.
  • Amazon allowing dogs to go to work. Thus Kirby spending some quality time with Evan during the day. Awesome on all fronts.
  • Creating a night time routine. Give it up for bath time! My mom said she bathed us every night and it was her most favorite thing and now I shall be adding it to my list of favorite things (along with all things Marc Jacobs, said pumpkin shakes, baking, yoga, lipgloss, etc.) Sydney loves it and it's a great time for the three of us to have some QT
  • Continued shopping for the little bee. love. I mean, you're welcome Old Navy (never thought I'd say that). But really, they have the cutest clothes! like this deer sweater?http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?userSearchText=oh+deer&pid=262420012.  Yeah, I know. It's the latest addition to Syndey's wardrobe.
  • Homeland. I've boarded the train and it's left the station. While Claire Danes would never make my list of Top 10 Celebrities to play me in a movie of my life, she is legit. Netflix it now. 
  • Our first trip back to Starbucks for a meet and greet. It was really great seeing my friends and catch up with them! Although the thought of actually going back to work to, you know, work makes me ill, I find solice in knowing I get to return to those gals. 
mommy and me twins. I swear this is a one time occurrence. (unless of course that deer sweater comes in my size...)
kicking it with Belle

mom, you ain't no anne geddes! now get me out of this pumpkin
okay, it's not so bad

our other bee

Thursday, October 18, 2012

1 month (belated)

Our little bee turned 1 month on October 11th and I'm sitting here wondering where in the world time went! Weren't we just leaving the hospital, baby in tow, heading bright eyed into parenthood? Never in my life has a month passed so quickly. Where was this kind of time passage when I was little, anxiously awaiting Christmas, or hell, even graduation from high school? This is where life plays an evil little joke. Those things that you want to quickly move through just drag...and drag...and drag some more. But those that you want to pause and savor every single second seem to just disappear before your eyes. I'll stop there before I wind up sobbing over the keyboard, but really, it ain't cool.
This past month has been a dream. Literally because we've sleep-walked (pretty sure that's not proper grammar, but anyways...) through the entire thing, but also because it's been as wonderful as the best dream one could imagine. I never thought I'd be one of those gushing moms, but at the end of the day, this gig is pretty sweet. Every single aspect of it I love. Who would have thought?  Over the past month, I've loved more than I ever thought possible, stared at one person more than should be legal, changed more diapers than hours I've slept, watched more TV than any doctor would recommend in a lifetime, smiled more than Biden during the VP debate (marmarmar), sang more Tom Petty's "American Girl" than he probably has and been happier than I thought possible. All because of one little lady.
But enough about me! Over the past month we've seen so many changes! She now recognizes our voices and faces and "tracks" us when we're in the room with her. Big milestone, people!  She also is wiggling more and exploring the way her limbs move. She smiles a lot, which those cynical moms say is due to gas, but who cares the reason! A smile is a smile from that little face and we'll take it. I must say, if they are "legit" smiles, she's got a great sense of humor.
She's making more noises, experimenting with sounds and even coos a bit when she seems happy. We're also seeing a lot more of her baby blues and that? Is the best. Being able to look into her eyes and really connect with her is just an incredible experience.
And finally, as noted in her stats above, she's flourishing! A great eater like her mama and daddy, she's eating regularly and growing, growing, growing. Yay for healthy baby, boo for being out of newborn diapers and clothes. And to the next stage we will progress.

1 month and it feels so good:
Yellow jeggings...are you kidding me?
I had a similar reaction to this 1 month milestone
straight exhausted


football schmootball. but daddy is pretty great

hey pumpkin

Oh pumpkin patch, how I love thee. Seriously, this time of the year, there is absolutely nothing better than pumpkins. Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin beer, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin patches, etc. (hopefully you read that with a Bubba Gump accent...if not, re-read). I literally cannot get enough. And that means, Sydney can't either. In fact, her poop is pretty much always orange. Sure, that's a common color for newborn bm's but I'm also convinced it's due to mama's pumpkin addiction. Anyways, back to the story at hand...the pumpkin patch! Saturday the Steppan clan made the trek to Spooner Farms in Orting and had a grand old time. Granted, Sydney was passed out the entire time, but it didn't stop us from using her as the cutest prop you could ask for. See pics.

Showing off her pumpkin pj's

g,g and belle

nice view, mama

belle the pumpkin

laid back
wake me when the photoshoot is over


Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Well we are approaching our first month with our precious little lady and life has never been sweeter. Never could I have ever imagined the capacity of love I would feel for this little being. She has completely taken over our lives and hearts! We are still in shock that she's actually ours! Evan was holding her the other day and said to me "I can't believe we don't have to give her back. She's ours!" How lucky did we get? It just melts me.
I can't believe it's already been a month. It all is so clear now when moms have said that time goes by so fast. I get it now, and quite frankly, I don't like it! How I would love to pause this time where we just hang out and snuggle all day. Where I don't need to worry about sleeping schedules or starting bad habits. Where it's completely ok to let her sleep on me all day (I've had numerous books and blogs give me permission that it's ok at this stage). I know there is  so much fun ahead, but it tugs at my heart to think that these days are numbered.
Although I must admit, as she starts to track us with her eyes and smile (I don't care if it's gas) and be more alert throughout the day, it's exciting to think about each milestone that lies ahead.

Of course, we have approximately 5,396 pictures of Sydney at this point, but here are some of my favorites:

First Bath!
loving snuggles with Kirby

Go Griz!!
true love