Sunday, September 9, 2012

week 37

Best Moment: This post is a bit belated, but better late than never, right? Ironically, I may be saying those exact same about little Sodi's arrival. Week 37 included Labor Day weekend, which was a very interesting weekend for us. Or should I say lack thereof. Typically we head out of town camping or crossing the Cascades to Winthrop, but at this stage in the game, we opted to keep it close to home. Thankfully, Sara and Dru are in the same boat, which meant lots of QT with them. Saturday night we grabbed dinner on the water, which was glorious! it's been a long time since we've done the touristy thing and actually hit up the piers, but the weather was perfect and we had nothing else going on. The timing our pregnancies has been a little blessing in itself. To have such a good friend experiencing the same things at the same time I am and to be able to share it with someone is really cool. I know our fellas appreciate it as well. Is your wife as crazy as mine right now? Definitely.
this is how we roll. how did you spend your labor day?
Cravings: I dare you to tell me what is a better combination than gouda cheese and pink lady apples. I mean, of course aside from peanut butter and chocolate or mint and chocolate, or wine and cheese or, or, or.... Seriously though? It's all i want. All the time. Well that and ice cream. Breaking news that is not.
Symptoms: As I said last week, it seems like I'm just a walking cliche of symptoms, but tis the truth. I've recently found myself muttering 'ok' every time I successfully climb into the car or reach the top of the stairs or actually get out of bed without much hassle. It's an exasperated 'ok' and makes me wonder, can I be any more dramatic? But really folks, how often are you carrying around a few pumpkins in your belly? Let's talk mobility then. Right? Mama's just feeling a little heavy these days. Ooh, you'll probably also be really excited to learn that my feet have started to swell at the end of the day. Riveting reading, yes?
What I miss: Lots, quite honestly. Mostly the ability to move with ease. Though I've been told (and most likely lied to) that I don't have the waddle, I sure feel like I've joined the legions of pregnant women before me. Waddle, waddle, waddle...
What I'm looking forward to:  From here on our, I'll have the same answer, BABY! Really looking forward to meeting our love child. Definitely didn't mean to say love child, but I find it too funny to delete.
Milestones: Baby's now the size of a wintermelon (see below- I had no idea what that was either...)
Your (really? the Bump doesn't know the difference between Your and You're? Ugh...annoying) full-term (yay!) baby is gaining about 1/2 ounce a day and getting his first sticky poop (called meconium) ready. He's also brushing up on skills for the outside world: blinking, sucking, inhaling, exhaling, and gripping (it's getting strong!).

1 comment:

  1. Standing by and waiting for exciting news any day now.... can't wait to meet baby Sodi!!!
