Uff da for this week! This week has been a doozy, and it’s not due to the baby. We so graciously found out on Wednesday that the condo we have been renting has sold, and subsequently, we must be out by April 15th. That leaves us with less than a month to vacate and find a new abode. Words cannot describe the panic and stress felt throughout our household this week. The panic isn’t necessarily from being pregnant and having to move, but more from the lack of time we have to find a place that will be conducive for raising an infant, while also in a great neighborhood. What I wouldn’t give to move within a 4 block radius, but I understand, that is not what one would call realistic. Thankfully we have some great friends and Mama and Pops Steppan who have offered up their homes for us, so we won’t be homeless…woohoo! I can’t help but chuckle at the thought of moving into my childhood bedroom with Evan, our unborn child and Kirby. How snug and cozy! See younger version of myself? I knew you wouldn’t end up a spinster! Desperately trying to find the silver lining, while also obsessing over Craigslist and Zillow. So there’s that…(deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths)

I must also admit that another great moment was receiving little bee’s first outfit! My good friend Tiffany surprised us with an adorable little outfit that will look absolutely superb on h/h. It is so crazy to think that the little person inside me will one day fit into the little two piece ensemble. I simply can’t wait!
Symptoms: Physically, I feel like a new woman. Granted the nausea hasn’t completely subsided, it has mellowed to a completely tolerable level and I’m feeling good. My energy is returning as well and I might even sign up for a half marathon. Ha…there’s no truth in that, but that is how great I’m feeling these days. My emotional symptoms are another issue. All I can say is poor Evan. The amount of tears shed lately are downright embarrassing. What’s more embarrassing is, aside from our moving news, I have no clue what brings on the waterfall. Zero. Zilch. I just want to slap myself and say “get a grip, woman!” Give it up for hormones!
Cravings/Aversions: Jimmy.Johns. Nothing, NOTHING is more appealing to me than the #6 Vegetarian sub on French bread, minus mayo, plus Dijon. The best part? I can order and pay for it online, and have it in my mouth within 15 mins. Those fellas at JJ’s know how to please a woman and I simply can’t get enough. Oh- grapefruit juice and mini Cadbury eggs aren’t horrible either. Didn’t really notice any aversions this week which is a really incredible feeling. In fact, grocery shopping wasn’t a practice in controlling gag reflexes, but instead, a nice stroll through the aisles, grabbing things as needed. Hallelujah.
What I Miss: I don’t believe I’ve “popped” yet, but my clothes are fitting like a post-Thanksgiving Day binge. Not that I ever had a 6-pack to flaunt, but this in-between stage is…odd. I’ve always felt that I’ve done a good job working with what I’ve got, but this is an entirely different story. It’s kind of soft, kind of hard…and actually, my horoscope this morning nailed it. The “headline” read: Softening and Expanding. Bingo. Sure it may have been referring to having an open mind and expanding how we go about dealing with the harshness of life, but by God, if it wasn’t also referring to the current state of my bod. Astrology is amazing. How did it know?!
What I Can't Wait For: Finding new living quarters to start nesting. I have plenty of ideas for a neutral baby’s room and can’t wait to start hunting pieces out and bringing it to life. And just so we’re all clear, Evan and I are waiting to find out our little bee’s gender, so when I refer to it by one pronoun or another, it’s only because I’m trying to avoid calling the human in my body an “it.” Deal? Deal.
Milestones: Guten Tag, Second Trimester! Baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb. Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him -- a process he'll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too. Baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches -- about the size of a lemon -- and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces.
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