Thursday, March 8, 2012

make that 12

Oh yesterday, how I loved thee.  How wonderful it was meeting Dr. Emanuel and breathing a huge sigh of relief that she is, in fact, a good fit for us and the babe.  After a traumatic weigh-in (really? a 6lb discrepancy between my at-home scale and the doctor’s scale? really?!) and brief Q&A session, we heard the little bee’s heartbeat! Having already seen the heartbeat, Evan and I weren’t sure hearing it would actually be that exciting, but of course, we were wrong. Having gone about 4 weeks from the first ultrasound, the heartbeat served as a great reminder and check-in that lil sodi is alive and, well, beating! At a strong 170 bpm, everything sounded great and right on track. Or perhaps a tad bit ahead of schedule. We also learned that I’m more around the 12 week mark than the 11 week, which puts the big day at 9.19 rather than 9.24. It also means that I’m that much closer to the second trimester! Come on renewed energy!!
Another appointment highlight was that our doc will most likely deliver our baby! She’s always on call for her patients and has delivered almost all of their babies. Love it. Evan and I have been worried about a “Knocked Up” delivery situation (mean Asian doctor), but hopefully those fears can now be put to ease.
Post appointment we grabbed ourselves some delicious frozen yogurt (which we vowed would be a tradition from here on out) and scooted on home. But alas, the fun doesn’t end there! Once at home, I was greeted by the most thoughtful surprise. My good friend Courtney had sent a pregnancy care package! Complete with pregnancy magazines, a couple of books, my favorite candy (whoop whoop for mini Cads!), some stretch mark oil (thank God), ginger candies (for, per Court, “all f*cking day long sickness), and some other little treats. It was such a sweet surprise and the perfect cap to a fabulous afternoon. I’ve mentioned how lucky we are, right?

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