Tuesday, May 28, 2013

crazy 8's

It's hard to believe this little darling is over 8 months old! So I just blink and my child grows another month older? Apparently...

Some of her latest tricks include:
  • Two teeth! well one for sure, the other is sprouting up next door. As predicted by every doctor everywhere, the first teeth to make their appearance are the front bottom two. It's hard to imagine that one day, she will have a mouth full of teeth. That's a ridiculous statement, because of course she'll have teeth, but this is my baby we're talking about. 
  • So along with the teeth comes chewing on everything. Pretty sure I mentioned this last month, but we're in full on gnawing mode. 
  • While she's not crawling yet, or very mobile, she does "lunge" towards toys and any other appealing item. Supposedly this is a first step to crawling? 
  • The girl makes the funniest, cutest noises. The repertoire of sounds that come from her little mouth absolutely melt our hearts and crack us up. Anywhere from high pitch squeals to deep, guttural grunts, she's testing out those vocal cords. 
  • Giggles! The sweetest melody in the entire world. I dare you to find a better sound than the giggle of your baby. Or my baby for that matter. She's responding to so many noises and tickles with her little giggle that Evan and I find ourselves in a regular comedic routine to get that girl to giggle. Oh hiccups are funny? well listen to mama go! You like when daddy acts like he's going to eat you up? Watch out, here he comes!
  • "Standing" unassisted for a few seconds on her own. See below for proof!

Mother's Day with Grandma. I've always heard women refer to motherhood as a club and for once, I get it. Mother's Day felt like an introduction into that club and I couldn't feel more blessed. How incredibly lucky am I to be her mom, while learning how to do that job from my own fabulous mother. 

                                           First step to standing unassisted? Dig toes into carpet.
 These ladies love the water! This was the first time they were in life jackets, and as you can tell, it was quite the relaxing experience. Nothing like a little Thursday evening water siesta.  Please don't mind the inappropriate swim suit. There's only so much one can do whilst breastfeeding.

 Three generations of Soderquist's! Sydney is sporting one of Evan's shirts from his good ol' days. It says "Quist Jr." (still not clear why it's adorned in flowers, but it looks adorable on Peanut)

                                                                     ugh. can't even...

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