my favorite 6th month photo. bff's |
gazing at gpa |
Well hello there. Seems as though we've fallen off the grid for a beat, but we're back. The past month and a half has been quite the circus at the Sodi household. We've celebrated both Sydney's half birthday and 7 month-er, St. Patty's Day, her first road trip to Winthrop to visit G&G Sodi, first Easter, made it through a nice case of Hand, Foot and Mouth disease (not to be confused with Hoof and mouth disease- and that joke by the way, is getting old), my insane case of strep that turned into Scarlet Fever (yes...Scarlet Fever), cousin Isabella's first birthday and the start of swimming lessons! Whew. It's so funny as I look back on life PS (pre-Sydney) and think about those days where we were "so busy," and for the life of me, I cannot remember what on earth was consuming all of our time! It's quite embarrassing actually, given the dramatic spin I'd put on life and
all we had going on. I'm sure all of my mom friends wanted to give me a swift slap across the face. Shut up, Jamie! you ain't got s*%# going on, compared to raising a HUMAN BEING. And ya know what? I would have totally deserved that slap. That's definitely not to undermine what people sans children do and how busy their lives can be. But once you have another person you're responsible for? Add 2 hours...to everything.
gma quality time
But I digress. Our little peanut continues to be everything good in our lives and we simply cannot get enough of her. Every other day, Evan and I will look at each other ask "how can she be getting cuter??"All parents know exactly what I'm talking about and all non parents think we're ridiculous. But really, in a side by side comparison, she gets cuter daily. Plenty of proof below :)
Quick catch up on Sydney's going-ons as of late:
- Being the good mom that I am, I don't remember her exact height/weight/head circumference off the top of my head but I can easily rattle off her percentages.
- 92% Height
- 74% Weight
- 52% Head circumference
- She's loving everything, I mean ev.er.y. th.i.ng. in her mouth. It's adorable to watch her grab something, knowing her next plan of attack is to bring it straight to her mouth. Sophie the Giraffe has proven to be worth the hype, as Sydney loves chomping on that little Frenchie.
- While we're still not getting her rolling as a form of transportation, she is rolling from back to tummy and vice versa like a pro. Of course, my nervous nelly tendencies are rearing their head. "Why isn't she rolling to get to point A-point B?" "Is she behind?" "Will she ever walk?!" Must remind myself to settle...
- We're constantly refining her pallet and she's now enjoying applesauce, green beans, avocado, pears, prunes (dear Lord, thank you for prunes and the magic they make), sweet potatoes, yams, oatmeal, and rice cereal. Meal time is a pretty big event at our house and Kirby always makes an appearance.
- Speaking of Kirby, he and Sydney have reached BFF status and it's the most adorable thing we've ever seen. While she is pretty much always a happy girl, she bursts into full on giggle fits when Kirby is around.
- Sleep is a dream (marmarmar). She's a solid 12 hour sleeper and mama and daddy couldn't be happier (or more well-rested). There was a bit of a set back after she was sick, but once we trudged through that, we're back to getting a good night's sleep. New moms: it gets better.
- She's becoming quite the chatty-Kathy. Her babbles are the sweetest music to my ears, and Evan and I are convinced she's saying dada. Please don't deflate the balloon by saying that all babies start with those noises and blah blah blah.
- Sitting up is a fav. Now she's not sitting up on her own, like using baby ab muscles to pull herself to a seated position, but when we put her down on her bottom, she stays there. It's like she's a little person. Imagine that.
That's enough for now. Onto the pics, man.
What a doll! Look forward to getting our little ones together some day. I have to ask you about Bright Horizons and your method to harassing them about when you would get in :)