Thursday, February 21, 2013

5 months

Story of my life, this post is belated. Our little peanut turned FIVE months last week and what a dream she is continuing to be. See for yourself:


she did this all on her own. making out with georgie
Major things happening in the Sodi household at 5 months:
  • Regular giggles- I challenge you: is there a sweeter sound?
  • Rolling from side to side. She's getting so close to actually rolling over! Naturally, every time I'm with her, I have her on her tummy, willing her to roll over. Do it, do it, do it. Not because I'm concerned about her actually doing it, but because I want to see it happen for the first time. Daycare shouldn't get to have all the fun!
  • The toes have been discovered, folks. Yep, someone is learning to love her little pigglets as much as we do. 
  • Reaching with a purpose. She's actually reaching out to things and grabbing them, with purpose. Sure we still have some flailing arms, but that Georgie make out session? Was all her. She reached right for that stud and went for it. I'm merely supporting the interlude. 
  • Taking your shirt off is now hilarious. Every single time we take her shirt off, especially when we're slipping her arms out of her sleeves, she starts laughing. I mean, it's hilarious. Getting undressed? A total riot.  We can only hope she's not so eager to get her shirt off, come teen years.
  • Putting herself to sleep. We had a long stint there where Sydney would easily go down to bed but wake up exactly 30 minutes, on the dot. We tried letting her cry it out, but didn't have much consistency with it. Night after night, we'd have to go up and "rescue" her and spend another 20 minutes to get her back to sleep. Well, taking a queue from the millions of sleep books I've read, we tried the ol' "put down drowsy but awake," trick and guess what? it actually works! Rather than nursing her to sleep, we bumped dinner up, pre-bath and story and now just put her in bed when she's still awake. She'll give a rebellious cry for maybe 5 minutes and then she's out. Glorious. 
  • Ab machine. She's really been working to sit up. I know we're still a ways off, but whenever she's laying down, she lifts her little head off the ground and brings her legs up, almost creating a V with her body. I'm pretty sure I've had to do the same move in a hellish boot camp, and here our little lady does it like it's her job. So cute to see her learning new skills and developing before our eyes. 
  • Daddy/Mama are preferred. She definitely prefers Evan and I to anyone else and gets worked up if there isn't enough easing in with new people. In fact, the poor baby gets sad if Evan and I walk away or leave her with someone she's not quite comfortable with. Of course, I secretly love it, to a certain extent. Reminds me that maybe she does love me, even if it's just a fraction of how much I love her. 
  • Mama's returned to work and school has begun. We're about 2 weeks into the whole charade and  although it's extremely tough to be away from my little darling (more on that later), she seems to be adjusting well. In fact, she's done such a great job immersing herself that she picked up her first bug. To avoid being the mom who talks about poop, I won't go into specifics, but it required her to be picked up from school early and home bound for 2 days. Selfishly, mama and daddy loved it because we both had the chance to work from home and watch her. I set up shop on our bed with my laptop, a aspirator, the humidifier blowing away and my little peanut in my arms. Working from home is a completely different story with a sick babe involved. But in true Sydney fashion, she was in great spirits and just full of smiles. I felt terrible for her, but the smiles made it seem ok. 

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