Wednesday, February 27, 2013

9-5 (ish)

First day of school!
We are officially completing week 3 of my return to work and guess what? we've survived! And this is life, isn't it? Just when you think you can't manage it, time floats by and you've come out on the other side. That doesn't mean this has been easy, not by any stretch of the imagination. Tears have been shed, hearts have been broken, but we're making it through. Sydney seems to be flourishing in fact. Her teachers have raved about her happy disposition and that she's only really fussy when she's hungry (surprise, surprise). Admittedly, this makes it easier for me to handle. If she's happy, that's the most important thing. It also helps that Evan has been able to hop over on his lunch breaks and spend some QT with the little miss. After 5 months of straight mama, it's good to have a little 1:1 daddy time.

every. single. night.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this working mom business is no joke. That's not to diminish what stay at home moms do. That job is just as hard, but they pose different challenges. My biggest hurdles include: missing Sydney like crazy- like real crazy, taking 2.5 hours in the morning to get to work, only having about 1.5 hr with my baby at the end of the day and a crazy, frantic feeling riding my shoulders all day. But along with the challenges come some surprising rewards: adult time and conversation, reengaging in my career and feeling like I have something of my own, Sydney's socialization and exposure to a broader world than I could provide her on a daily basis, and unlimited coffee. more the end of the day, I'm done. Flat out done. Hence the lack of wit in this post. Mama ain't got nothing left in the tank.

downside of daycare? wearing someone else's pants! why am I in someone else's pants? mama- pack more back up clothes for me!
picked her up from daycare with her top button undone. they explained that she "just finished eating." 
And these are just too cute not to share:

she's found her thumb. 

vday baby

Thursday, February 21, 2013

5 months

Story of my life, this post is belated. Our little peanut turned FIVE months last week and what a dream she is continuing to be. See for yourself:


she did this all on her own. making out with georgie
Major things happening in the Sodi household at 5 months:
  • Regular giggles- I challenge you: is there a sweeter sound?
  • Rolling from side to side. She's getting so close to actually rolling over! Naturally, every time I'm with her, I have her on her tummy, willing her to roll over. Do it, do it, do it. Not because I'm concerned about her actually doing it, but because I want to see it happen for the first time. Daycare shouldn't get to have all the fun!
  • The toes have been discovered, folks. Yep, someone is learning to love her little pigglets as much as we do. 
  • Reaching with a purpose. She's actually reaching out to things and grabbing them, with purpose. Sure we still have some flailing arms, but that Georgie make out session? Was all her. She reached right for that stud and went for it. I'm merely supporting the interlude. 
  • Taking your shirt off is now hilarious. Every single time we take her shirt off, especially when we're slipping her arms out of her sleeves, she starts laughing. I mean, it's hilarious. Getting undressed? A total riot.  We can only hope she's not so eager to get her shirt off, come teen years.
  • Putting herself to sleep. We had a long stint there where Sydney would easily go down to bed but wake up exactly 30 minutes, on the dot. We tried letting her cry it out, but didn't have much consistency with it. Night after night, we'd have to go up and "rescue" her and spend another 20 minutes to get her back to sleep. Well, taking a queue from the millions of sleep books I've read, we tried the ol' "put down drowsy but awake," trick and guess what? it actually works! Rather than nursing her to sleep, we bumped dinner up, pre-bath and story and now just put her in bed when she's still awake. She'll give a rebellious cry for maybe 5 minutes and then she's out. Glorious. 
  • Ab machine. She's really been working to sit up. I know we're still a ways off, but whenever she's laying down, she lifts her little head off the ground and brings her legs up, almost creating a V with her body. I'm pretty sure I've had to do the same move in a hellish boot camp, and here our little lady does it like it's her job. So cute to see her learning new skills and developing before our eyes. 
  • Daddy/Mama are preferred. She definitely prefers Evan and I to anyone else and gets worked up if there isn't enough easing in with new people. In fact, the poor baby gets sad if Evan and I walk away or leave her with someone she's not quite comfortable with. Of course, I secretly love it, to a certain extent. Reminds me that maybe she does love me, even if it's just a fraction of how much I love her. 
  • Mama's returned to work and school has begun. We're about 2 weeks into the whole charade and  although it's extremely tough to be away from my little darling (more on that later), she seems to be adjusting well. In fact, she's done such a great job immersing herself that she picked up her first bug. To avoid being the mom who talks about poop, I won't go into specifics, but it required her to be picked up from school early and home bound for 2 days. Selfishly, mama and daddy loved it because we both had the chance to work from home and watch her. I set up shop on our bed with my laptop, a aspirator, the humidifier blowing away and my little peanut in my arms. Working from home is a completely different story with a sick babe involved. But in true Sydney fashion, she was in great spirits and just full of smiles. I felt terrible for her, but the smiles made it seem ok. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

don't say it

Huffington Post recently posted an article entitled "What Not to Say to a Working Mom" and the timing of it couldn't be better. I've since read the article at least twice a day, as it provides a tiny bit of solace as I prepare for Wednesday's return.

The article:

Can't you afford to stay home?
Let's assume for a minute that I can't. Let's imagine I work to help pay the mortgage and buy groceries and send our kids to college. Where does this conversation go now? Awkward, right? Next thing you know, I'm going to be asking you how much your husband earns so you can stay home. Let's agree not to go there.
Then let's say I can afford to stay home. The question assumes the reason I work is entirely financial. Which is part of it, to be sure. If I could make money watching bad reality TV and doing yoga all day, I would. Since I can't, I work at a more traditional job -- but it's not all about the money. I value my education and the years I've devoted to my career. I think it is good for our boys to see me working outside our home so they know that a woman isn't confined to being a wife and a mother. I also know that some day our kids will be off at college or started on careers of their own and I want to keep a foot in the working world so when that time comes, I'm not staring at a big gap in my resume that makes it harder for me to get a job. I also like the equality that exists in my marriage because both my husband and I put money in the bank. That's just me. But this particular question devalues all of those considerations and, in turn, my choices. Please don't do that.
I'd give anything to get away from my kids for an entire day.
If you really mean it, I'm happy to help you polish your resume. You can be away from your kids all day, every day! Of course, along with that "freedom" you'll feel guilty about being away from them and will wonder if they're ok because they're home with a babysitter or in day care. Going to work every morning and waving to my kid from the upstairs bathroom window isn't a spa day. It's sort of like doing a triathalon. You start each day with a morning plunge into icy water, getting everyone to school/work then do an an eight-hour bike ride, all topped off with a half-marathon of dinner, homework, baths and bedtime. During your bike ride not only will you be expected to pedal hard, you'll also have to take phone calls from the school, the babysitter, and the doctor, respond to birthday party invitations, take a quick side trip to grab supplies for an art project, order groceries and a new pair of jeans and remember to return library books because it all needs to get done RIGHT NOW. If you're lucky, there's some wine left over in the fridge.
I'd miss my child too much to be away from him all day.
I know. I completely understand. You get over it. Because you have to.
The problem with this country today is that not enough moms are home raising their children.
I know! I couldn't agree more! Oh, wait. You're not advocating for paid parental leave, flexible work schedules or telecommuting, are you? You're not picketing in support for working parents (because, let's face it, some dads would like to be able to spend more time with their kids too) so they can make good choices for their families, right? You just want more moms to stay home. It's possible those families would be better off living under a cloud of financial or psychological stress to adhere to a traditional view of families, but I'm not buying it. If I see one more comment about how dual-earner families are undermining the very fabric of society I will lose my mind. Last I checked, no one in my family had shot anyone, stolen anything, cheated on a test, run a red light, or even so much as littered. Of course, I've been working all morning, so things may have changed since breakfast.
Why did you have kids only to let someone else raise them?
People have said this to me. People have said this to my friends. It's a good thing that I didn't have the power to incinerate them with my laser beam eyes. If I hear it again, I'll refer you to item no. 1 for the reasons I might work outside of my home. And then I'll just ask you to be a TAD LESS JUDGMENTAL THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I had Little Dude because every fiber of my being wanted to be a mother and we felt like our family was incomplete without another person in it. Loving and raising a child is not incompatible with having support to do that. We are grateful and proud to have wonderful people who help us -- from family to friends to teachers and babysitters. But make no mistake, my husband and I are raising our kids. We aren't home every day, but we are a presence in our kids' lives at every moment.
I don't know how you do it. It must be so hard.
It is. I don't know how I do it. But I don't think that's because I work, I think it's because parenting is hard whether you stay at home or go off to the office. I don't know how any of us do it. It's glorious and rewarding and full of love and it is the hardest thing I've ever done. Balancing kids with anything else, whether a paying job or running a household or finding time to watch Honey Boo Boo, is nearly impossible.
You must be so organized to be able to balance everything.
I have a love/hate reaction to this statement. At first, I bask in the affirmation. I believe I am organized. Then I remember -- I am one set of lost keys away from a meltdown. I have mismatched socks, my kid went to school with jelly on his face and I haven't exercised in a week. I have piles of books and clothes and god knows what else in my bedroom. I forgot a conference call yesterday and lost the planetarium permission slip. I let something slide every day. There is no balance. Only carefully controlled chaos. Pretty much like everyone else's life.
There's always time to work later, these early years are so precious.
All the years are precious. And why don't people say this to fathers?
You look exhausted. 
Gee! Thanks! Wanna give me a day at the spa? And then watch my kid for me so I can relax? No? Then let's just pretend we can't see the bags under my eyes.
At least you treasure every minute you have with your son.
Well, maybe not all of them. Because sometimes Little Dude is a monster and I get home at the witching hour, just in time to force him to eat his carrots, make him brush his teeth and go to bed. Which, as any parent will tell you, is just the most relaxing time of day. This is why I keep a chilled bottle of wine in the fridge. Despite that, of course, I do treasure my time with my kids, but I have a hard time believing that would be different if I were home more.
Don't you worry you're missing out?
Every day. But then my son runs into my arms when I pick him up from school and climbs into my bed in the morning to tell me I'm the "best mommy ever," and I know it's going to be ok.


As a belated 40th Anniversary celebration for my parents, we set sail for the islands and spent a week on Oahu at the Disney Resort, Aulani. Of course, as any new mom, I was a nervous nelly about the plane ride and prayed to every god/saint possible that our little precious would in fact, be precious on the flight. Thankfully, my airplane karma is in good shape and my prayers were heard. Peanut flew like a champ, and conveniently expressed her relief to getting off the ground by promptly soiling her drawers right after takeoff.
Oh my god, I just did it.
I was just that mom that talks about her child's bowel movements. Apologies, apologies. 
Moving along...the resort was absolutely fabulous. The perfect combination of Disney, luxury resort and island inspiration. This vacation was unlike any we have ever taken. The whole baby factor, as it turns out, is a huge factor. Gone are the days of lounging poolside, sipping on sizzzurup. Now it's all about shade, nap time and nursing. Sexy. Motherhood. But it's also about experiencing the sand between your toes for the first time all over again, taking a dip in the ocean and seeing fish for the first time all over again. being introduced to Disney and meeting and Mickey and Minnie for the first time all over again. It's new and exciting and different. It's the next stage in life. 
But speaking of sexy, how about putting on a bathing suit 4 months after giving birth? I'll withhold all shamu/whale comments, but let's just say, the beached sea lion and I had a thing or two in common. Should have hung a sign around my neck with a disclaimer (Just gave birth, body may appear larger than usual). Now I know for next time. But you don't want to hear about my postpartum body trials and tribulations, right?

You want pictures! Darling, baby in bathing suit pictures!

daddy and babe

The fam

sand between the piggies


someone had me my cocktail


