Thursday, March 7, 2013

On a roll

Pun totally intended. This has been quite the week for the littlest Sodi.
Saturday: Sydney's first time in a high chair (loved) in preparation for her first few bites of solids (rice cereal- loved).
Monday: she started at mermaid's lagoon, just downstairs from me! Life just got that much better.
Tuesday: Miss Briana (her teacher) informs me that Sydney rolled over- multiple times! Now this was my greatest fear, that she would have her first roll at daycare and we would miss it. But ya know, it wasn't all that traumatic. Mama Steppan reminded me that we will still have OUR firsts and those are just as special.
Today: Evan and I got our first roll over from her and it was so special! It didn't matter that we didn't see the first time, it was just as great because Evan and I saw it happen together. We got to share in the monumental moment with each other. It was yet another reminder that THAT is what life is all about.
I'd be remiss not to mention she also experienced her first owie. Today at daycare, one of the other babes accidentally hit her head with his shaker toy. Poor baby was upset! But between the time daycare called to let me know and when I got down there to snuggle her, they had filled out an "incident report," iced her owie and given her some soothing snuggles. It's that kind of behavior and response that makes me feel good about having her in child care.
Saturday-today: 12 hours of sleep!! And the house rejoices!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


To match my mood of "renewal," I decided it was time to give the ol' blog a face lift. That and I actually took the time to figure out how to resize, change text colors, etc. So here it is, voila.

I simply don't have the energy to post any pictures this round, but must discuss the fact that Sydney starts at the mermaid's lagoon tomorrow, which is Starbucks' very own personal Bright Horizons. And mama? Is beside herself with excitement. Seriously, tomorrow feels like Christmas morning. I'm really looking forward to starting our new normal, for reals this time. Of course having her just downstairs is the bee knees (ding) but also finally being able to settle into a groove will be refreshing. It seems like since our wedding 3.5 years ago, there has always been something on the horizon. Something that has required a ton of planning and/or changes to our little lives. And for the first time, I feel like we can coast and really live in the moment, which, hello...when does that ever happen? Taking a moment to reflect on sweetness of life.

Taking another moment to reflect on the weekend:
  • 7-noon on Saturday= most productive morning ever. Queue the background music, as it went something like this: wake up- feed baby from my body (I feel like I need to include that as it's a pretty big know, women feeding their children from their breast), tummy time, workout (first real true workout in, oh a year), build high chair with E, hair cut (chopped), explore new Greenwood Freddies (am thoroughly impressed) and feed baby from body yet again. Again, all before noon. What did you do (ding)
  • Fed Sydney her first bit of solids. She takes it like a champ and seems to really love the whole high chair, airplane, num num, yummy!, food in mouth experience. And so it begins.
  • Watched two flicks- Flight and Snowhite (one word?) and the Huntsman. Guess which was a colossal waste of time? Sorry were born to be Bella and nothing else. 
  • Sunday=glorious. Vea and Denny came up, we all hit the Sunday market in the brilliant sunshine. Everyone was strolling the streets of Ballard and we were right in the thick of it. Little miss slept the entire time, but for once, I finally felt like my little visions of being that cute family gallivanting (ding) around Ballard on a Sunday came true. Ha...and you thought my expectations could never be met. Oh and we capped it all off with a Rajun' Cajun' from Other Coast. Jelly, aren't you?
  • Feeling incredibly blessed.

Friday, March 1, 2013


If I have to leave this little nugget everyday, at least I'm going to a place where I can listen throwback nsync (celebrity album specifically) all day. Well played Starbucks- literally.